Cardamom is a spice with an intense, slightly sweet flavor that some people compare to mint.
It originated in India but is available worldwide today and used in both sweet and savory recipes.
MRP 100g - Rs.300 Rs.200
MRP 25g - Rs.90 Rs.70
MRP 1kg - Rs.150 Rs.130
MRP 1kg - Rs.280 Rs.230
MRP 1kg - Rs.130 Rs.75
MRP 1kg - Rs.180 Rs.140
MRP 100 gm - Rs.30 Rs.22
MRP 200gm - Rs.130 Rs.120
MRP 500gm - Rs.80 Rs.70
MRP 500gm - Rs.18 Rs.13
MRP 100 gm - Rs.60 Rs.20
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