Poppy seed is the seed from the poppy plant. People take poppy seed by mouth for asthma, constipation, cough, diarrhea caused by infection, difficulty sleeping, and to diagnose a condition called vesicoenteric fistula.
MRP 100g - Rs.250 Rs.170
MRP 1kg - Rs.150 Rs.130
MRP 1kg - Rs.280 Rs.230
MRP 1kg - Rs.130 Rs.75
MRP 1kg - Rs.180 Rs.140
MRP 100 gm - Rs.30 Rs.22
MRP 200gm - Rs.130 Rs.120
MRP 500gm - Rs.80 Rs.70
MRP 500gm - Rs.18 Rs.13
MRP 100 gm - Rs.60 Rs.20
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